Energy Saving | Synergy Lighting - Part 2

Obama Calls For Reduction of Carbon Footprint | Energy Bill | Carbon Tax

20/06/10 | Copyright Synergy Lighting USA | Call us today for sales and pricing information: Toll Free: 1-877-220-5483

Obama Press Conference Energy BillFor years now environmentalists have been calling for the reduction of carbon footprints. Originally under political pressure from Al Gore, California passed aggressive energy laws, and now with the BP Gulf Crisis, these environmental changes are moving full speed ahead. In July of 2009, Congress Passed an amendment to the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. Under this amendment, commercial business among many other energy sectors were given a hard blow. This bill called for the elimination of many of the most commonly used light bulbs in commercial business, forcing business owners to convert or make significant change by 2012. Now as we again approach July 2010, President Obama is to meet with Senior Senate Staff from both parties to discuss new legislature currently stalled in the Senate.

Kerry And Leiberman Propose Energy BillThe current administration has demonstrated a strong drive for climate changes and futures in clean energy despite it’s immediate impact to business owners. In general these new legislations are for the good for the much debated global warming and our countries economy, but they will not come without a financial toll to large corporations and small business owners.

Under the proposed Carbon Tax by Rep. Larson, a member of the powerful, tax-writing Ways & Means Committee, appears to have crafted his new bill to counter most if not all salient objections to carbon taxing, and at the same time Kerry and Leiberman are pushing for the new energy bill to pass as it may damage our ability to compete in the alternative energy sector.

What the Carbon Tax will mean for business:

  • The first-year tax rate is $15 per ton of carbon dioxide, then the rate rises by $10/ton per year.
  • After five years, that increase rate is automatically bumped up to $15/ton if U.S. emissions stray from an EPA-certified glide path to cut emissions by 80% from 2005 levels in 2050.
  • To protect domestic manufacturers, the bill authorizes the Treasury Department to impose a “carbon equivalency fee” on carbon-intensive products imported from non-carbon-taxing nations.

How can a business prepare for the passing of a Carbon Tax?

Kerry and Lieberman unveiled the Senate bill last month which would require U.S. industries and utilities to cut their output of carbon dioxide pollution, which many scientists blame for global warming. Currently the majority of usage from a business is the consumption of electricity by lighting. Whether the proposed tax is placed on producers or consumers, American business will feel the pinch either way because of our usage of electricity from coal producing power plants.

If a business large or small follows the existing amendment to the Energy Independence & Security Act, that business can successfully reduce its carbon consumption by several tons depending on the type of lighting being used. In light of the potential carbon tax, a business must provide documentation that it has reduced its carbon footprint to avoid these financial burdens that will follow.

Synergy Lighting Environmental StudySynergy Lighting which has been a leader in South Florida, and held a dedication to reducing energy costs and the environmental impacts from lighting usage, is prepared to face this challenge for its clients. Synergy Lighting provides a full facility Feasibility Study and Environmental Impact Study as part of its energy reduction campaign. In this study, which meets Energy Star and ASHREA Standards, our clients are provided full documentation to provide to the US Government their efforts to reduce the overall carbon foot print of that business which provides the required documentation for a Carbon Tax under proposed law.

The Feasibility and Environmental Impact Study is provided to current and potential clients of Synergy Lighting at no charge as part of our commitment to energy efficiency and our dedication to a cleaner environment.


For more information on a No Charge Feasibility Study, view our website  or call Synergy Lighting for a free consultation.


Phone: (941)-756-4844

Toll Free: (877) 220-5483



Why Light Bulbs Don’t Last | Sarasota, FL

19/06/10 | Copyright Synergy Lighting USA | Call us today for sales and pricing information: Toll Free: 1-877-220-5483

Synergy Lighting for years now has attempted to educate its customers on the value of quality light bulbs. In hard economic times, businesses often look for ways to cut expenses and save money. We see these businesses often perform layoffs or reduce their inventories in order to keep a positive cash flow. However most businesses do not realize their savings potential just by switching to quality light bulbs which can result in huge savings.

First we must identify the difference between price and cost. A .39 cent light bulb does not have a cost of .39 cents. That is the price of the bulb. The cost is measured by how much electricity is paid for to illuminate the bulb, and how much labor is paid to change the bulb time and again. For most businesses, a .39 cent light bulb has an annual cost of $42.65 when you calculate electricity and an employee changing the bulb twice a year at a pay rate of $10.00 per hour. Remember, a $10.00 an hour employ also has taxes to the business owner above and beyond their normal pay rate.

Three Things That Kill Light Bulbs:


Any illuminated light bulb has heat. Even cooler burning lamps such as CFL’s and Fluorescent produce some form of heating.  This heat or burning of the filament or cathode, over time dissipates the tungsten and the filament becomes thinner and weaker till it eventual breaks.


Often customers grin when we tell them about vibrations damaging the tungsten filaments or cathodes. The standard feedback is that their light bulbs are firmly mounted and do not have vibration. Air Conditioning, doors opening and closing and wind load forces on a building cause subtle vibrations undetectable to humans, but can be passed on to the filament of a lamp even if so subtle we can not feel them. As you will see in the video below, the filaments or cathodes have their own vibrations from molecule collisions while under a heat load.

Power Surge

Every time we turn a light on there is a power surge to the filament or cathodes. Many other power surges happen daily that we do not recognize, such as every time an Air Conditioner turns on or off, a large motor operates, or even a power surge from a laser printer spooling up. By design, the utility company redirects power to grids several times a day which causes a series of small power surges that are only sensitive to light bulb filaments.

It is only when we combine all three of these actions together that it kills a light bulb. Over time naturally the repetitiveness of these actions will kill the lamp, or if any one of the three has a drastic increase over the other we will realize this with a premature failure of the lamp.

Filament ComparisonSylvania, Philips, GE and many other manufacturers use a Standard Tungsten-Alloy Filament stretched between two filament supports. Unlike the Pure Tungsten Filaments invented by Thomas Edison, and used in most Industrial Grade Bulbs, the tungsten-alloy filament is weaker and does not hold up as long. This may be part of planned obsolescence, or a way to get a consumer to buy more bulbs.  Industrial Grade lamps such as Halco, Superior Life Lamps use Pure Tungsten filaments with additional filament supports. This increase lamp life and stability when subjected to Heat, Vibration and Power Surge.

As previously stated above, the typical Philips, Sylvania, GE bulb with a price of .39 cents has a cost annually of $42.65. If we change to an Industrial Lamp with a price of .59 cents, the price is higher, but the resulting cost would be lowered to $33.92 per year because of it’s life that is 4 times longer. This has an additional Price of .20 cents that results in a cost savings of $17.46.

50 Bulbs saving $17.46 over 24 months would save a business approximately $873.00! That’s cutting costs!

Conclusion: Spending a few cents extra on a quality light bulb can result in tremendous savings and increased cash flow over time.


For more information on quality light bulbs, view our website  or call Synergy Lighting for a free consultation.


Phone: (941)-756-4844

Toll Free: (877) 220-5483



Occupancy Sensors Save Electricity | Leviton | Energy Savings

18/06/10 | Copyright Synergy Lighting USA | Call us today for sales and pricing information: Toll Free: 1-877-220-5483

Energy conservation is rapidly being realized as a viable way to cut expenses and add positive cash flow to any business or home budget. In the growing popularity of Compact Fluorescent Lamps and LED Light bulbs, one other great investment is Occupancy Sensors. Lighting is typically the single largest users of electricity in a commercial building. Occupancy Sensors, commonly referred to as an “Occ Sensor” are installed to turn lighting on when a person approaches or enters a room, and have a built in, programmable time delay to turn the lighting circuit off after a brief period of time. Over the past few years, this technology has changed to incorporate a wide variety of sensors for use in many residential and commercial applications.

Occupancy Sensors Save ElectricityOne of the biggest drawbacks in years past was the use in commercial bathrooms. If a bathroom stall was in use, the partitions would block the sensor from detecting that there was an occupant in the restroom, and the lights may turn out while the bathroom is still in use. Often perople would find themselves waving a hand over the stall door to try and activate the sensor again. This problem has been rectified with the creation of a “Nocc Sensor”, or Noise and Heat Activated Switch. The Nocc Sensor has a decibel rated noise sensor capable of detecting so much as a murmur or footstep, preventing it from turning off even if direct view of an occupant is blocked.

Where should you use an Occupancy Sensor?

Residential: Occupancy sensors should be used in areas that are not normally occupied for extended periods of time. Use of an occupancy sensor in a Bathroom, Closet, Garage, Laundry Room and other low use areas can provide added sensor of luxury with hands free switching as well as ensuring non priority lights do not remain on when not in use.  Children often leave these lights on, so the use of the occupancy sensor corrects bad habits affordably.

Commercial: We recommend a (2) Visit Rule. Besides Bathrooms which are an almost given in a commercial building, the two visit rule is the best way to judge Occ Sensor usage. How this rule works is simple. Perform a walk through inspection of your facility. If you enter a space, room or area that lights are on and no one is occupying that space at any two given times during your walk through, it is likely a great place to install an occupancy sensor. Primary considerations should be placed in:

  • Independent Offices where the user works in and out regularly
  • Warehouse Isles and Back Room Areas
  • Conference, Meeting Rooms
  • Storage or Supply Areas
  • Bathrooms
  • Stair Wells and Corridors

How much electricity is saved by an occupancy sensor?

Saving electricity by use of an occupancy sensor is very hard to calculate precisely, but should result in a 50%-90% reduction in usage. The following example should help you understand the principle. If a bathroom uses (3) 2×4 fluorescent fixtures is left on during an 8 hour day, the cost of electricity is approximately $112.93 per year. By installing an Occupancy Sensor (Average cost $30.00) the lights in the bathroom may be cut down to as low as 1.5 hours per day. The resulting savings would be $91.76 per year. Times an average switch life of 10 years is equal to a positive cash flow of $917.60. Return on investment is an average of 4.2 months. By using Occupancy sensors in multiple areas, a business can reduce its electricity expenses measurably.


For more information on using Occupancy Sensors  view our website  or call Synergy Lighting for a free consultation and walk through.


Phone: (941)-756-4844

Toll Free: (877) 220-5483


 NEMA Case Study – Occupancy Sensors


CFL Light Bulbs Pose Fire Risk

06/06/10 | Copyright Synergy Lighting USA | Call us today for sales and pricing information: Toll Free: 1-877-220-5483

With the ever growing steps in energy conservation, many consumers find great savings in using Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs known as CFL’s. The light bulbs create tremendous energy savings and produce less heat than their incandescent predecessors. However consumers must beware of the cautions associated with use of these lamps.

CFL Lamps Pose Fire RiskCFL’s are designed to replace incandescent lamps in most portable and non-portable fixtures, such as table lamps and wall mounted fixtures. The limitation of using these CFL bulbs is their use in outdoor applications and enclosed fixtures. CFL’s such as spiral lamps are permissible in enclosed fixtures, providing that they are specially designed for that application and limited to 42 Watts or less. CFL lamps greater than 42 watts are designed for use only indoors with open rated fixtures. Many manufacturers of these higher wattage CFL’s, such as TCP, Maxlite, and Sunlight Brands expressly denote that these high wattage CFL Lamps are not for use outdoors or enclosed fixtures due to risk of fire.

TCPI CEO Ellis YanAccording to Ellis Yan, Chief Executive Officer of TCPI the nations largest producer of CFL lamps, “The high wattage CFL’s are designed with an integral cooling fan to reduce the heat levels produced from overheating the electronic components. Using these lamps in enclosed fixtures may pose a serious risk to consumers”.  Education is a passion for Ellis that extends into the company’s business philosophy.He has been instrumental in establishing consumer and school education programs to share the energy efficient and environmental benefits of using compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). He is also dedicated to health and wellness and has developed incentive programs encouraging employees to make decisions that are good for their health and the environment.

In 2008, the Office of National statistics reports there were 1033 fires caused from misuse of CFL light bulbs. Energy Star, a joint effort between the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency, CFLs installed in enclosed fixtures designed for incandescent bulbs may overheat. This can pose serious risk of injury or fire, and significantly reduce both light output and lifetime.  Even under optimum conditions, light output from a CFL will decrease over its lifetime. To maintain existing light levels, select CFLs with rated lumen output (of bulb and ballast together) at least as high as the bulbs they replace. CFLs should have a power factor (PF) above 50% and a Color Rendering Index (CRI) above 80%. ENERGY STAR-qualified integral CFLs and most available modular CFLs meet these criteria.

Particularly for high-use fixtures, consider replacing an existing screw-based (“incandescent”) fixture with one designed exclusively for CFL use—i.e., a fixture with a hard-wired ballast that accommodates pin-based CFLs. (Residential CFL fixtures are also covered by an ENERGY STAR labeling program.

For More Information

  • DOE’s Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Information Center
    Phone: 1-877-EERE-INF or 1-877-337-3463
  • The EPA/DOE ENERGY STAR®program provides product listings of complying CFLs and dedicated CFL fixtures.
    Phone: (800) 372-7827
  • The Lighting Research Center’s Web sitehas valuable information covering CFLs and other lighting systems.
    Phone: (518) 276-8716
  • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory provided supporting analysis for this recommendation.
    Phone: (202) 646-7954


New LED Landscape Lighting Fixture available in Sarasota, FL

23/05/10 | Copyright Synergy Lighting USA | Call us today for sales and pricing information: Toll Free: 1-877-220-5483

LED Landscape Lighting FixtureEveryone seems to be asking as of lately, are there any new LED landscape lighting fixtures on the market?  Finally the answer is Yes! Synergy Lighting is proud to offer a complete line of commercial grade LED landscape lighting fixtures, at a very affordable price level.

For accenting architectural and landscape features, this uniquely designed low voltage Up & Accent fixture utilizes nine warm white high output LED emitters, with an exclusive driver, powered to operate for 50,000 hours and is designed to withstand the most rugged of applications. Extra care has gone into its design with fitted o-rings to ensure a superior weather-tight seal. The lens is made of a soda-lime glass lens safeguards the optics from shock and is heat resistant to beating Florida sun. There are 14 super durable polyester powder-coated finishes to choose from. With three different light distribution options available; spot, flood, and wide Flood, this fixture is ready for a multitude of lighting tasks to accent your outdoor living space or commercial property.


For more information on LED Landscape Lighting Fixtures, contact your Synergy Representative of call us at 1-877-220-5483


Leviton CFL Dimmer – It works!

20/05/10 | Copyright Synergy Lighting USA | Call us today for sales and pricing information: Toll Free: 1-877-220-5483

Leviton Decora CFL Dimmer On Sale Now!Compact fluorescent light bulbs have a lot of advantages  over incandescents, but they’ve never been that good at dimming. Standard dimmers designed to work with incandescent or halogen lamps have failed at dimming CFL effectively without flickering or cutting out. According to James Sherman, director of residential marketing at Leviton Manufacturing, consumers had a myriad of complaints with standard dimmers. That is why Leviton, a leading manufacturer of Dimming Systems and electrical components is now introducing their new, patented Decora Slide Dimmer made just for dimmabel CFL bulbs. The new Decora dimmer has the ability to detect whether bulbs are incandescent or dimmable CFL’s, and the Decora can determine the individual bulb’s dimming capabilities – which differ according to manufacturer and type – and adjust the range accordingly.

We tested the new Decora CFL dimmer with various brands of dimmable CFL’s and found that in nearly all cases, the dimming capability of the Decora dimmer was smooth.

Here is what you can expect when using the new Leviton Dimmer:

  • Smooth dimming from full to the lowest range @ 20% lumen output
  • Flicker free at all times
  • When turned on, dimmer will cycle to full and back down to last dimmed setting
  • Self dimming on-cycle is @ 3 seconds
  • Can handle both CFL & Incandescent

For customer who purchase lamps brands other than what the Decora was designed for, it has a manual setting override to make it completely compatible with any dimmable CFL Lamp. We found the best results when testing the dimmer with Prolume brand dimmable CFL’s which are available in Spiral – A Shape and Reflector types.


For more information, or to purchase the Leviton CFL dimmer, contact our sales staff at 877-220-5483

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